Thursday, November 28, 2019

Babies Having Babies essays

Babies Having Babies essays As todays family values slowly decline, the teen pregnancy rate slowly increases. Each year teenage girls are getting pregnant at a younger and younger age with no guarantee of a father by their side. Many girls are left with the responsibility of supporting young children financially, and many girls arent even ready for the responsibility of caring for another human being. In order to solve this teenage pregnancy problem society as a whole needs to come up with a solution that will guarantee that no unplanned, unwed, or under-aged teenage pregnancies occur. I have come up with a solution that I feel will eliminate this problem. Before any girl enters into elementary school it will be required by law that they get a vaccination shot that will keep them from procreating life. Only after getting married will they be given a booster that will kill off this vaccination and allow them to have children. It wont be required to get this booster right away, you have the option of getting it whenever you wish, but it will only be given with proof of a marriage certificate issued by the state. This way only married mothers will be having children. By getting this vaccination young girls will be protected from pregnancy. Not only will this allow teenagers to participate in sexual activities , but also keep rapists from impregnating young, innocent children. Although I am not for teenagers having sex, in todays society many are participating so this will allow them to have sex without the worry of procreating. What could be better than the guarantee of not getting pregnant? This vaccination guarantees no pregnancy, this way children arent having children. ...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Keep Going - An Interview With Two #1 Amazon Bestsellers

Keep Going - An Interview With Two #1 Amazon Bestsellers "Keep Going" - An Interview with #1 Amazon Bestsellers Mark Edwards and Louise Voss Success doesn’t happen overnight. It is often the result of hard work put in over the years. And Mark Edwards and Louise Voss’ success story tells us as much. They are known for being the first indie authors to ever reach #1 on back in 2011. Now with Amazon Publishing, their latest book is From The Cradle (and the best one, they tell me). Their story begins much sooner, though. They have been through the ups and downs that characterize a writer’s life, but they have been through them together and always determined to keep going.Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing both of them. They share their whole story (not only the success part) and their advice for starting indie authors. They also debunk a metadata-myth, analyze why Amazon Publishing is so powerful and explain how to co-write a book using Dropbox.So sit down with a nice cup of tea/coffee, and hit play. Or alternatively, read through the whole transcript below (courtesy of the Reedsy team). REEDSY: Hi Mark and Louise, I’m really pleased to have you here. You are known for being the first indie authors to have reached the top of the charts on, a few years ago, with two books that you had co-written. But your collaboration started long before that, right Louise?LOUISE: Sure, it’s a good story, though it can make me sound a bit like a stalker. It started years ago, around 1998-99, and Mark was on this TV documentary about â€Å"wannabe writers†. I was in the exact same situation as him: I had an agent but she wasn’t very enthusiastic. We were both getting lots of rejections but they were really positive rejections. So I just sent him a little email via his agent, basically saying â€Å"I really liked your interview†.He wrote back, and we started corresponding via email about books and writing for around 18 months before we finally met in person. And then we thought: rather than just critiquing each other’s stuff, why d on’t we write something together? That’s when we started writing Killing Cupid. We did it all by email, because at that time Mark was in Japan.MARK: Yes, I was in Tokyo, and Louise was in London. We wrote an entire novel without even speaking to each other, literally. This was back in 2001, and Killing Cupid was optioned by the BBC but we didn’t manage to get a publishing deal for it.Then, a few years after, I came back from Japan and we decided to write another one together: Catch Your Death. Back then, however, we didn’t have an agent, we still couldn’t get a publisher, we were really back to square one, so we pretty much gave up at that point, didn’t we?LOUISE: Yes, I think the problem with Killing Cupid was a genre one. When we sent it to publishers, they said â€Å"well, it’s not really enough of a thriller to be a thriller; and it’s a comedy as well, we don’t know what to do with it†¦Ã¢â‚¬  And that’s why we decided to write Catch Your Death, because that was unquestionably a thriller.MARK: Yes, so we both more or less gave up. I came back to the UK, got a good job, and thought: it’s really not worth the pain of trying to find a publishing deal.Then, 2010 when was I first heard about KDP. And I got a Kindle for my 40th birthday. So I said to Louise: why don’t we take our two old novels, spruce them up a bit, self-publish them and see what happens? And she was very reluctant.LOUISE: Yes, I thought â€Å"oh, no, it will be humiliating, we’ll sell 4 copies†¦Ã¢â‚¬ MARK: So we spent a few months rewriting and reworking them, because they were really out of date. There were no mobile phones, social media, etc.We put Killing Cupid out in February 2011, and as Louise predicted we sold around 4 copies on our first day, to people that we knew†¦ But then I became completely obsessed about trying to sell it. I had a full-time job, my girlfriend was pregnant, and she still talks about how I neglected her during that time! And Louise did promotion stuff too.LOUISE: Yes, we had a list of all the bloggers that accepted unpublished books - there weren’t that many of them but we put together this list and divided it up. Mark started at A and I started at Z and we worked our way to the middle, contacting all of them. It was a lot of work.REEDSY: And Mark, you did a very good job on the metadata too, right? I read about it on Joanna Penn’s blog, but maybe you can tell us what in your metadata helped make your book successful?MARK: Yes, we used subtitles. On Killing Cupid, I think it was pretty simple: â€Å"Killing Cupid, a psychological thriller†: nothing fancy, really. But we kept rewriting the blurb (book description). Back then, you used to be able to see what percentage of people who viewed your book had bought it, which was fantastic, you could see your conversion rate from browser to reader. So I kept looking at th e books in the top 10, especially the self-published thrillers and the ones that had the highest conversion rates, and tried to figure out what it was about those books that incited more people to buy them after they looked at them.So I was continually tweaking the description and I think that at one point I got it right, because it suddenly doubled our sales in just an hour. I had made the description shorter, more straightforward about the book while also making it sound more intriguing.We did something much more interesting for the second book, Catch Your Death. We called it: â€Å"Catch Your Death (For fans of Dan Brown Stieg Larsson)†. This quickly became a controversial point, with people starting to talk about it in The Bookseller magazine.But I actually believe, to this day, that it didn’t make any difference to the sales, because I think we put off as many people as we attracted. If you searched for Dan Brown at the time (and I did it quite a few times), our book didn’t come up, not even on page 30. It didn’t make any difference to the search results.What really made a difference, and this is a lesson for all indie authors, is that we were patient and hardworking in building a readership. We hand-sold every copy of Killing Cupid in the first 3-4 months: every single sale was hard work. And as we did that, we built a momentum and started climbing up the charts, which made our book more visible. And because it was good, word-of-mouth really worked in our advantage and more people started to buy it.We released Catch Your Death around 3-4 months after Killing Cupid, as Killing Cupid was climbing into the top 100. And Amazon then sent out an email advertising Catch Your Death to all the people who had previously purchased Killing Cupid.And it was the day that this email went out - even though we only realized this quite a long time afterwards - that more and more readers started buying both books and we shot up into the top 1 0. A couple of days later, Amazon removed the Dan Brown subtitle, and it didn’t make any difference at all.So there was a lot of hype about our metadata at that time, but I really don’t think it made any difference in the end. It was all about slowly building that readership.REEDSY: I think that’s a great lesson indeed for indie authors. But if we go back to the writing process, Louise, how does that technically work? What tools do you use: Google Drive, Dropbox, †¦?LOUISE: Dropbox, we have everything in Dropbox. It works really well for us, you can see the last things people have worked on and when. Though sometimes it happened that we were both working on the same document at the same time, so when we saved it created conflicted copies, which are a nightmare to sort out. But we don’t do that so much now, we’ve got better at it.We also email a lot, and text, when it’s particularly urgent, but we don’t actually talk that much, un less there is a problem, or in the beginning and the end, when there are things to figure out.MARK: For Dropbox, we have a â€Å"master document† - we do it all in Word - and we write separate chapters in separate Word documents, save them into Dropbox for the other person to make comments. The original author then goes back to that chapter to amend it and when we’re both happy with it we add it to the master document!We also have other Word documents and spreadsheets for our chapter plans. I think that, ideally, we’d use Scrivener, because that’s what we both write on for our solo novels, but you can’t really use it for collaborative work, as far as I’ve been able to work out.REEDSY: Now, with the success of Killing Cupid and Catch Your Death, you were prompted to partner with an agent, who got you into traditional publishing. How was that experience?LOUISE: It’s quite ironic, because we spent years trying to get a publishing deal for both books. But we didn’t have an agent at all until we were #1 on Amazon. I was talking with an author friend of mine and he suggested me to contact his agent. I said â€Å"well, he turned us down a few years ago so I don’t think he’ll be interested†. He answered â€Å"oh, it’s different now, you’re #1†. So we contacted his agent and he quickly got us a deal with HarperCollins, which was fantastic! I don’t regret it, really, because it was just so lovely to finally have this public validation through a traditional publishing deal, and the idea to have our books in shops, the advance, etc.I often wonder, with the benefit of hindsight, whether we would do it differently if we had to do it again, and I don’t think we would change much, other than to get more involved in the marketing and publicity of these traditionally published books. We were thinking that the publisher would do most of the marketing and promotion, a nd it didn’t happen. So I think our mistake wasn’t taking the deal, it was not pushing the books as much as we had when we were self-publishing.MARK: Louise literally just took the words out of my mouth. I definitely don’t regret it either, it was â€Å"a dream come true†. Louise had already had a traditional publishing deal in the past, but for me it was something I’d wanted for years.LOUISE: Yes, I guess I was a bit more cynical about it, because I already had had an experience with a publisher who dropped me after not promoting the books - and that was back in the day when you could do little yourself. But I still don’t regret it, we had a lovely editor, who did an excellent editorial work, really improving the books. It’s just that not many people got to see them.MARK: Yes, that was the frustrating thing. What happened is that after the first and second books didn’t do as well as they hoped, the third and fourth ones were pretty much dead in the water.LOUISE: It basically took the exact same trajectory as my first publishing deal: sales got smaller and smaller and the publisher’s interest got smaller and smaller. Also, one thing to take into account is that two of the four books had already been self-published before and picked up by a lot of people. So I think that didn’t help us as much as we thought it would.MARK: That was the problem, really. Catch Your Death and Killing Cupid came out a year after we first self-published them, which means the sequel to Catch Your Death came a year and a half after the first book, and by then, everyone had lost interest. And it wasn’t pushed at all, it wasn’t in any shops, it had no visibility.I actually think that we were a little bit like guinea pigs, because we were the first â€Å"indies† to go through that process over here in the UK. The publishers learned from what happened with us for some of the following indie success stories that they picked up.REEDSY: So you were with a publisher that didn’t do as much as you hoped on the marketing side of things. But now you’re with Amazon, right? Which is almost the opposite.MARK: Yes, but there is a stage in between. In January 2013, we were in a dark place. We’d had a very disappointing 2012 with the two paperbacks, and when the third one came out in January it just disappeared without a trace. Literally without trace, it left nothing.I had gambled by quitting my job to be a full-time writer, and I was in a very difficult financial position, with massive tax and credit card bills, plus my wife and I had another baby on the way. So I really was in a state of constant panic, thinking â€Å"what am I going to do?† I can laugh about it now, but it was terrible at that time. Every now and again I think â€Å"I can’t believe I managed to get myself out of that dark pit that I was in†.I remember Louise and I had this meeti ng with our agent in London and he - now, he would probably deny it - but he had lost a bit of interest in us as well. But we were determined to make it work so we decided we would not give up, and start a new series of books instead.Now, I had this book â€Å"The Magpies† that I had had sitting in my bottom drawer for years, and I’d been tinkering with it, on and off. Louise said: â€Å"why don’t you just do it, just self-publish it?† So I went home that day, read through it, and thought â€Å"actually, this is quite good†. So I self-published The Magpies via my agent (it’s called â€Å"agent-assisted self-publishing†) and it basically completely transformed everything, because The Magpies ended up selling (in its self-published version) 170,000 copies. It simply changed my life, and it’s what led to the deal with Amazon.Amazon Publishing bought the rights for it and for another solo novel from me. And when Louise and I fini shed our new co-written one, it did go out in submission to various publishers, but Amazon pre-empted it and our commissioning editor there read it in a few days. They made an offer, and because I’d had such a great experience with them already, Louise thought: â€Å"why not?†Everything so far with Amazon Publishing has been fantastic. I mean, I’d like to sell more books in the US, but in the UK it couldn’t have gone any better I think.REEDSY: Yes, and we actually interviewed another Amazon-published author, Bob Mayer, a few weeks ago who highlighted the â€Å"marketing reach† of Amazon publishing imprints. What does that mean exactly? What do these imprints do in terms of marketing that makes it worth it signing away royalties to them?MARK: Well, they’ve got the most amazing database in the world. They’ve got anyone who has ever bought anything, including anyone who has ever read a psychological thriller! That’s what sets them apart from all the other publishers. Plus, they’ve got the platform of their website, and they also do a lot of on-device marketing. So if you’ve got a Kindle Fire, you’ll see that whenever you turn it on, an advert will appear on the home screen, and they rotate, but they’re often books.That visibility that you get with Amazon publishing is just fantastic. The restriction of being with them is that you’re pretty much only on the Amazon platform, although they do print books and they are making efforts to get them into the shops. But they’re not on any of the other digital stores, so you’re in kind of a walled garden, like a luxury gated development!When somebody from a big publisher said to us: â€Å"well, wouldn’t you rather be with a traditional publisher and have your books in the shops?†, my answer was that that all sounds great, but when we did have that opportunity, our books were barely in the shops anyway†¦REEDSY: So, do you now still produce some marketing effort yourselves or is it all Amazon?LOUISE: We’ve worked very hard on building up our Facebook page. It’s not like we have tens of thousands of followers, but the ones we do have are so loyal that it’s really helping us get the word of mouth thing going, which is the holy grail of marketing anyway. But we still do work very hard, especially when we do online launches.REEDSY: To finish on an encouraging note for other authors out there: you’ve been through everything, both of you, in a writer’s career; the ups, the downs, so what would be your advice for an author who’d be in a â€Å"dark year† like you had in 2012?MARK: I think it’s certainly nurturing your existing fans and readers. That is what goes through in our Facebook group, where we have really loyal readers as Louise pointed out. They were really really helpful and acting as cheerleaders to keep us going. And then when we did start selling well, they were there and helped spread the word.REEDSY: And Louise, what would be your advice?LOUISE: Keep going!We lost the rest of Louise’s advice due to recording problems, but feel free to ask her (or Mark) anything in the comments below!Sharing is caring, so here are our Twitter handles: @ReedsyHQ, @mredwards and @LouiseVoss1

Thursday, November 21, 2019

My essay may pose a policy argument, or a definition-based argument

My may pose a policy argument, or a definition-based argument. or a causation-based argument, or an evaluation argument - Essay Example not have been supported prior to September 11, it does seem acceptable - and reasonable - to profile people who appear to be Arab since they are perceived to be the group that hate Americans and are willing to die to make their point. The case can be made that this type of limited racial or ethnic profiling is necessary considering the new reality that exists post 9/11. I would like to emphasize at the outset, that the profiling addressed in this essay is of a relatively limited nature - focusing on security measures at airports or any other areas of the transportation industry that may be a potential target of terrorists. In this regard, here are two facts to consider. First: Out of the 19 hijackers on those four planes that were hijacked on September 11, all 19 were Arabs. Second: Although most Arabs are definitely not terrorists, it does appear that most terrorists are Arabs. Indeed, â€Å"Of the 22 suspects on the FBIs "most wanted" list of international terrorists, all are Arabic, all are practitioners of Islam and all come from known state incubators of terrorism in the Middle East.† (Riley 2001) Lest we think that primarily white Americans are proponents of this radical thinking, note the results from a Gallup Poll that was published in The Boston Globe: 71% of black respondents said they would favor more intensive security checks for Arabs, including those who are U.S. citizens, before they boarded planes; 57% of whites said they would favor such a policy; and 63% of other nonwhites said they, too, would favor it. So it would appear from this poll, as well as others, that a clear majority of the population is undeniably in favor of profiling Arabs as a means of increasing National Security. However, this is America - and in America we do not accept the profiling of an entire group of our citizens - racially, ethnically, or otherwise. If you think that is true, you would be mistaken. In reality, there are two specific areas in which racial profiling not

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Legislative & Executive Branches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Legislative & Executive Branches - Essay Example PTA includes a couple of negotiating objectives that such trade agreements must work towards. According to the article, to uphold Congressional oversight, the Act mandates that in the course of the process of negotiating trade agreement, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) should meet with and give access to important or classified documents up on request by Members of Congress. This article explains the theme covered in this weeks content on the Congress in the sense that the Congress, as part of the three branches of the U.S. government, is accorded significant role by the Constitution. Legislative powers is devolved to the Congress, meaning that the Congress is the only arm of the government which can change existing laws or make new laws. Executive branch only issue regulations, but these are merely under the power of laws passed by the Congress. If the President reject the bill, the Congress may override that rejection by a simple two-thirds vote. If the President`s rejection of the bill is overruled, the he should act by strengthening his tie with the senators and house representatives. That response is the best way to have his will

Monday, November 18, 2019

How Successful are Organizations Related to Assisted Suicide in the US Research Paper - 1

How Successful are Organizations Related to Assisted Suicide in the US Attempt to Polarize Public Opinion Through the Use of Language in Their Campaign - Research Paper Example In some European nations such as the Netherlands, euthanasia is accepted in some circumstances. The Dutch government has even discussed how physicians who agree to kill their terminally ill patients can be kept from being held responsible for their deaths. Over the past three decades, â€Å"American law in many states has given its citizens more rights over the events that take place in their own lives† (Amarasekara and Bagaric, 399). One of these rights is the right to determine when to discontinue medical procedures that will sustain their lives. The difference between euthanasia or mercy killing and the rejection of medical treatment has not been discussed at depth in public forums. Basically, the frequently used expression of the "right to die" mucks the distinction. In addition, the mass medias exposure of individual cases of euthanasia simply serves to distort the difference between public policy and a private act. There exists a distinct difference between â€Å"what a person might feel is practical in a particular case and what would really occur in the offices of physicians and other medical practitioners if euthanasia and assisted suicide became an accepted medical procedure† (Appel, 2). This topic is of the great significance as the public opinion polls, which always confront this issue by considering whether the members of the public think they will seek this way out if they were struck by a painful terminal illness, usually do not confront the issue of what it would mean if killing was made to be an acceptable practice that can be carried out by medical practitioners without fear of being prosecuted. Assisted suicide takes place when one individual helps another to take his or her own life, either by offering the instrument to commit suicide or by other basic steps. Euthanasia involves direct procedures, like a lethal injection, administered by one individual to end another individuals life.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Does Africa Need Foreign Aid for Poverty Alleviation?

Does Africa Need Foreign Aid for Poverty Alleviation? By Carolyne Simiyu Foreign aid, is the transfer and loaning of funds, international goods or services from one country to another. It is often transferred from one developed economy to another developing country.[1] The main aims of aid, particularly in poor nations, are to alleviate poverty, give support to the needy such as internally displaced persons and refugees, reconstruct infrastructure, and revamp economy. However, the efficacy of aids for poverty alleviation in Africa has lost its objective. Since the 1950s, the idea that huge sums of donations can remedy poverty has dominated economic development discourses. More than half of the sub-Saharan Africa are poorer now than in the 1960s.[2] I do not deny the fact that many factors have contributed to poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa which include natural disasters such as famine, draught, and wars. But what about the huge overflow of foreign aid they have been channeling to this developing countries? What did they use it for? According to statistics, while progress has been made in other developing regions of the world, especially East Asia in the last six decades, the percentage of those living in extreme poverty increased in sub-Saharan Africa.[3] Such statistics can be both appalling and at the same time overwhelming. There are several reasons to why foreign aid is ineffective for poverty alleviation in Africa. The first reason is that poverty in African countries is not a vicious circle waiting to be broken by foreign assistance. Instead, poverty is created by economic institutions that systematically block the incentives and opportunities of poor people to make their lives better by themselves and their country.ÂÂ   Let us for instance the system of apartheid in South Africa which Nelson Mandela campaigned against. In this situation, apartheid was a set of economic institutions which was intended to work against the black South Africans. It contained rules that governed and dictated to people what they should do and what they should not do, including the incentives and opportunities they are entitled to.[4] In 1913, the South African government declared that 93 per cent of South Africa was for the white economy, while 7 per cent was for blacks (who constituted about 70 per cent of the popul ation). Blacks had to have a pass a national passport to travel to the cities for job opportunities in the white-controlled mines and industries. They could not own property, nor start a business there. Such economic institutions, which we call extractive sapped the God-given potentials and opportunities of the vast population of black South Africans and largely kept them in poverty. While the country was rich during this period, the wealth was in few hands and the majority were poor. As such, foreign aid would not remove such institutional violence that deprived the majority access to the national resources. It should be noted that people in poor countries have the same ambitions as those in rich countries. Just like those from developed nations, people from poor nations also need freedom of accessibility to economic resources, to have the same opportunities and chances to good health care, clean portable water in their homes and quality education for their children. The reason to why the poor remain poorer is because their basic ability including their talents have been denied the opportunity to grow by their various institutions in those countries. In Sub-Sahara African states, it is important to note that once you are wealthy, you are privileged because you are entitled to power while the poor on the other hand, are less privileged and at the mercy of those in power. By way of conclusion, the evidence from above examples and analysis have shown that poor people are trapped within extractive economic institutions and until these institutions undergo a radical reform, foreign aid and any development it seeks to achieve will only be a mirage, not only in Sub-Sahara Africa, but across all developing countries of the world. 1. Shah, Anup. Foreign Aid for Development Assistance. Global Issues: Sunday, September 28, 2014, [2].ÂÂ   Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson. Why foreign aid fails and how to really help Africa. The Spectator. January 27, 2014. Accessed February 04, 2017. [3]. Fosu, Augustin Kwasi. 2015. Growth, Inequality and Poverty In Sub-Saharan Africa: Recent Progress In A Global Context. Oxford Development Studies 43, (1) (Jan 02): 44-59, (accessed February 4, 2017). [4]. Ronci, Donatella. 1973. Apartheid In South Africa: Exploitation and Superprofits. La Critica Sociologica 25, (0): 117-128, (accessed February 4, 2017). Acromegaly Case Study: Healthcare Needs Acromegaly Case Study: Healthcare Needs Changing Care needs through the life stages You are required to write an assignment based on a person who is in the late stages of adulthood. The person can be a family member, friend or client. The assignment requires you to write about in general the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development in later adulthood first and then compare it to the actual individual’s current well being and lifestyle using the PIES tool. You must explore your own personal prejudices, fears and anxieties about working with people in your care. What has influenced it? What has changed it? Included in the assignment should be any variations whether positive or negative that are affecting the individual as well as recommendations on how you can positively and confidently respond to the needs of the person during this stage of life. Specific conditions: You must seek permission from the adult before writing essay. You must change the identity of the person as well as respecting confidentiality of the person. The essay must cover the following headings P.I.E.S of development during late adulthood(10 Marks) P.I.E.S of development of individual as well as your own personal prejudices, fears and anxieties.(5 Marks) Variations/factors affecting individual at this stage of life(5 Marks) Recommendations to respond confidently to the needs of the person(10 Marks) Introduction For my assignment I have chosen a family member in the late stages of adulthood with a condition called acromegaly. For this assignment I will use the internet, books and information directly from my family member and her immediate family in order to complete this assignment. All names will be changed in order to protect the person’s privacy and confidentiality. Permission has been sought from my family member to do this assignment on her condition and her stage of development. Main Body Clients Name – Lucy Age – 67 Condition – Acromegaly ‘Acromegaly is a hormonal disorder that develops when your pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone’ (, 2015) P.I.E.S of development during late adulthood Physical needs – During late adulthood our physical appearance is diminishing slowly this is due to cellular senescence (cells in our bodies start to decline) (Mark Stibich, 2015). Wrinkles start to appear as skin is losing elasticity. Our bones start to lose calcium and can become brittle (osteoporosis) and harder to heal. Certain illnesses are more likely to appear as one ages such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes and respiratory problems. A good diet and regular exercise and most importantly a positive attitude in late adulthood can help greatly in prolonging these physical changes. However, even with a good lifestyle and a positive attitude, unforeseen circumstances may happen which triggers further degradation of a person’s health at this stage of development. Retirement and all it has to bring is in full swing. (Maslow, Hierarchy of Needs) According to Erik Erikson from the age of 65 we start to feel that our lives have become less productive. This indeed can be very true if we do n ot have a good retirement plan. With the more and more emphasis that is been put into place for retirement plans and groups that are been set up for the retired person this is helping greatly with these issues. Intellectual needs – As we age our cognitive ability declines. In late adulthood this can become apparent as our intellectual abilities start to decrease, some difficulties with memory and information processing (Paget). This is why it is crucial that adults in this stage keep their brain stimulated and active with certain activities. Even by keeping up reading newspapers, crosswords, bingo, and quiz’s.(Activity Theory) A lot of retirement groups that are being set up and there are courses that adults in this stage of development can do which will keep their minds busy and their brain stimulated which can have a domino effect on their mental health. Unfortunately illnesses may occur that have a negative effect to our cognitive ability such as dementia (Alzheimer’s, Lewy body, front temporal and vascular), Stroke or acquired brain injuries. Emotional needs – Erik Erikson stages of development describes late adulthood stage 65 + as a stage of Ego Integrity vs Despair. He believed that at this stage we look back on our lives so far and if we do not feel we accomplished everything we needed to at this stage of development we can develop a sense of despair which in turn will lead to feelings of depression. With this in mind this can be a very emotional time for some. At this stage of life it is imperative that we have family and friends that we can talk to and share our fears and feelings with. At this stage of development a person that has a life threatening illness may go through several emotions which is described by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross in her grief cycle. (,2015) Social needs – At this stage of development it is crucial to have interaction with family and friends. As without these interactions a person in late adulthood can feel very isolated. A lot of people before this stage of development, are used to a busy social life, whether it is working or raising their families (Jung’s Theory on Ageing). It is very important that they are invited to family gatherings, social events and are visited regularly. This will help greatly with their physical, intellectual, and emotional needs which can have positive effects on the person’s health if they are kept socially active. It is also important that a person is encouraged to get involved with the various retirement clubs that are set up in their area.(Active retirement Ireland). P.I.E.S of development of individual as well as your own personal prejudices, fears and anxieties Physical needs – As Lucy is 67 and is in the late stages of adulthood her physical appearance is starting to diminish. Along with these changes unfortunately Lucy has to contend with other physical changes due to her condition acromegaly. A once average size woman Lucy has significantly shown signs of change physically. Her feet have gone from a size 6 to a size 9 shoe, her hands have grown bigger in size also and her weight has risen. She has had to deal with retirement and her condition all at once. A mother of 4 whom held down a full time job as a care assistant in a local nursing home in her area and kept her housework to perfection as she says her self she is a cleaning addict. At the age of 64 she discovered she had the condition acromegaly and in the last 3 years she has undergone surgery and radiotherapy to try and reduce the benign tumour on her pituitary gland. Unfortunately this was unsuccessful and Lucy has now to inject herself daily with Somavert 10mg, a medication to reduce the secreti ons of growth hormone by the pituitary gland. Lucy lives with her daughter, her daughter’s husband and their 2 children. I feel this is helping greatly with her physical needs as she still helps out with housework when she is well and she brings her grandchildren for walks to the park and playground. Intellectual needs Intellectually Lucy keeps her mind active by reading novels, and attending bingo when she is well enough. As part of her condition acromegaly she is part of a team in Beaumont Hospital whom are researching this condition that is affecting 400 people in Ireland. I feel this is helping her greatly intellectually as she is learning more and more about the condition and it is keeping her mind and brain active while doing so. Emotional needs Lucy’s emotions at this stage of her development and with the condition acromegaly can be all over the place. But with her family network around her and her close friends that she can talk to about her fears and anxieties this is a great help to her emotionally. I feel from talking to Lucy that she is very well informed by the research team at Beaumont and this is helping her greatly in dealing with her condition. From talking to her about her life so far I have gathered that she feels she has accomplished everything she needed to so far for this stage of development and I feel she can develop through this stage with a virtue of wisdom (Erik Erikson) Social needs – At this stage of development Lucy’s social needs are still of high importance. She still attends bingo with a close friend, family gatherings and family outings. Sometimes she feels that people she hasn’t seen in a while think she has put on weight by over eating but in fact it is because of her condition. She is a very outgoing person so this doesn’t bother her much as she just explains to them her condition. During her outings to Beaumont for research days she has got close to other people whom are at the same stage of development as her and also going through the same condition. My own personal fears, prejudices and anxieties at this stage of development Upon starting my work experience in a nursing home I had a fear that people in the late stage of adulthood development that were in a nursing home were left sitting in an arm chair all day with no interaction from other residents or staff. I realised the first day that this was not the case and that my nursing home had a activities coordinator that did SONAS activities with all residents. As part of the new HIQA standards person centred care approach this was a crucial part of standard working procedure. Variations/factors affecting individual at this stage of life At this stage of development Lucy is quite lucky as her daughter and son in law and grandchildren live with her and her sons live within a mile radius of her house. I feel this is a positive factor at this stage of life and with her condition as she has the comfort of a close knit family always there to help her at this stage and she has the added bonus of helping them too. With her condition acromegaly and the stage of development she is at I would worry that her medication daily (somavert) and indeed the condition itself would have adverse effects on her health (cardiomyopathy, diabetes mellitus and osteoarthritis) during this stage of her life. Lucy has informed me that the team at Beaumont are keeping a very close eye on her through many different tests including liver tests, blood tests and scans in order to keep a close eye on any adverse reactions to her medication and condition. Recommendations to respond confidently to the needs of the person In order for me as a HCA to respond confidently to Lucy’s needs I would need to have the correct information about her condition in order to help talk her through her treatments as I feel it is imperative to be able to confidently answer any questions she may have. I can research local support groups for Acromegaly sufferers and encourage her to join them and bring her family to help them further understand what changes are going on in her body. Using my interpersonal skills I can be a good listener and shoulder to cry on when she is feeling depressed and can take her on shopping trips to specialised shops that cater for women of larger stature. Lucy loves to write letters to family in Galway and England but finds it difficult, when her hands are paining her, therefore I can write dictations from her to keep her hobby. Even though she is not at risk of dementia from her illness, I feel it would be good to help her feel a sense of integrity about her life if we make a life book with her as she can visually see all that she has accomplished. (Erik Eriksson) Conclusion Upon researching for this assignment I have learned that the late stages of adulthood development can be an emotional rollercoaster for any individual. It is my duty going forward as a HCA to be able to understand the basic needs of a person going through this stage. In doing so I need to put myself in their shoes in my thinking and how I would like to be treated at this stage of development. References Anon, (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2015]. Anon, (2015). [Blog] Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2015]., (2015). The Kubler-Ross Grief Cycle. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2015]., (2015). Theories of Aging. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2015]., (2015). What is Cognitive Decline?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2015]., (2011). Pituitary gland: The tiny gland that can cause very big problems [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2015]. Mark Stibich, P. (2015). Senescence, Healthy Aging and Longevity. [online] Health. Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2015]., (2015). Acromegaly Complications Mayo Clinic. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2015]., (2015). Acromegaly Definition Diseases and Conditions Mayo Clinic. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Mar. 2015]. McLeod, S. (2007). Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. [online] Simply Psychology. Available at: [Accessed 30 Mar. 2015]. McLeod, S. (2015). Erik Erikson | Psychosocial Stages | Simply Psychology. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Mar. 2015]., (2015). Somavert 10mg, 15mg and 20mg Powder and Solvent for Solution for Injection Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC). [online] Available at:,+15mg+and+20mg+Powder+and+Solvent+for+Solution+for+Injection/ [Accessed 30 Mar. 2015]., (2015). Aging Theories [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2015]. OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION Healthcare Support1Edel Brew

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Alcoholism :: essays research papers

The Physical Effects of Alcohol on the Body Alcoholism is a disease which, in many cases, appears to be a genetically transmitted biochemical defect. However, in other instances, it appears to be caused by overwhelming bombardment of the physiology of the body by repeated episodes of heavy drinking resulting in the incapacity to handle alcohol normally. Psychological and/or social pressures may aggravate the disease. It is characterized by a typical progression of drinking behavior that requires an average of twelve and one-half years of drinking to reach fully developed, overt symptoms and an average of eighteen years to reach the stage of deterioration. It is seen most frequently in those of Eskimo or American Indian descent. Among those of Caucasian descent, the Irish, French and Scandinavians exhibit a far higher incidence than do other European population groups. The disease is further characterized by physical damage in all system of the body, the most serious of which is encountered in the cardiovascular system, th e nervous system and the liver. In these three areas the damage may eventually prove fatal. Living the life of an alcoholic is hard work - the body suffers. There is complete unanimity of opinion that alcoholic drinking is very bad for the heart. Not only does the alcoholic suffer increased risk of heart disease, but he may also sustain direct damage to the heart from alcohol. Alcoholic drinking results in: Increased lipid levels which may result in arteriosclerosis and increased risk of stroke and possible early death. Possible development of alcoholic cardiomyopathy, resulting from injury to the energy-producing portion of the heart muscle, which may lead to death from heart failure. Damage to the nervous system in alcoholics has been recognized for many years. Some of the possible neurological effects of alcoholism include: Development of diseases caused by vitamin B deficiencies. Impairment of overall mental functioning. Some of the ancient physicians recognized an impairment of overall mental functioning in those who drank excessively and recent brain cell studies suggest that an alcoholic literally kills off brain cells at a more rapid pace than normal. If one destroys brain cells rapidly enough and for a long enough period of time, eventually the "cell bank" of reserves will be depleted, and the subject will begin to show impaired mental functioning. This appears to be the sequence of events observed in the EEG tracings and clinical observations of alcoholics. The gastrointestinal system is prominent among the organ systems damaged by alcohol.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

I Admire

I admire a lot of people but the person I admire the most is my mother . She is the most important person in my life. There is no reason for me to live without her by my side. My mom is a veterinary doctor. She loved to help other because she says it was her dream when she was a child. She works hard every day and she likes to learn something new every day. She leads a wonderful family life; she is always cheerful and. She has been married for 3 years. I admire her because she is very intelligent, ambitious and she has many goals in her life.She takes care of us because she loves us. She is also a wonderful mother, very patient, sensitive and warm-hearted. She knows answers to every question, even those she’s very silly. Mom is so patient and sensible, even when she helps others to solve their problems. She is great fun to be with because she has a great sense of humor. My mother has many talents. She is a great runner, a good singer. Generally, Mum is a warm and friendly pers on. She is very patient and careful with everything that she does.She never lets social life get in the way of our relationship. She says that family is the most important things    in her life. She is very important to me, because she teaches me to be a better person every day. She is a good example to me and I love her for many more reasons. I admire my mom so much and I love her. She can always advise me. She wants the best things for our family . I want to be like her when I grow up and even if we were a thousand miles away our hearts will always be together and forever.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Paul Revere Essay Example

Paul Revere Essay Example Paul Revere Essay Paul Revere Essay I am writing this for my children, who have already heard this story a million imes, and all the wonderful children that follow. Back when the days were spent watching little Paul Jr. and his father work endlessly at their silversmith shop only lasted a couple months into our mmarriage. By the time I had our first child together, Joshua, Paul was already riding that horse as a courier for the Boston Committee of Public Safety. In our 18 months of mmarriage, Paul had already embarked on more than 9 trips and had gone as far as New York and Philadelphia. With the early signs of the Revolution such as the Destruction of Tea in Boston and the stain with the British, Paul got more involved with the committees than I expected. I even tried to convince Paul that his expeditions were becoming a threat to the family, but Paul insisted that Dr. Warrens requests were valid and important. At times I felt like I was competing with Dr. Warren for his attention. It wasnt until the night of April 18th, 1775 that I realized the importance of Pauls services. May 24, 1810 The last time I talked to Paul before I fled out of Boston, was the night before his infamous ride. We had been continuously arguing about his involvement with the Boston Committee and I even contemplated leaving him. By the time I awoke on the morning of April 18th, Paul was long gone. I carried on with my usual activities while I imagined Paul somewhere out riding with Dr. Warren. When he didnt show up for dinner, I was actually kind of relieved that I would not have to deal with another fight erupting. But at 1 1 pm, I started to get worried and by the morning I was packing up our most important belongings to flee out of Boston. That morning I heard tales of 3 men riding through the night to warn of the Britishs arrival, little did I know that Paul was one of them. Paul, along with William Dawes and Samuel Prescott started their journey to Lexington at 11 pm on April 18th 1775, upon instructions from Dr. Warren. Paul was instructed to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams of approaching British ships. As he rode through Charlestown, making sure his warning system was in play. The previous weekend he had arranged for two lanterns to be hung from the bell tower of Christ Church in Boston as a warning that British were arriving by sea rather than land. With everything going as planned, at midnight Paul rode through Lexington, while going door to door warning the country-side. Eventually he ended up at tne nouse Hancock ana Adams were staylng at. I nls Is tne part wnere everyooay has their own interpretation of what Pauls words of warning were. But after hearing this story over and over again, I will never forget what came out of Pauls mouth that night. He simply stated, Youll have noise enough before long. The regulars are coming out! After warning the two, Paul met up with another rider, William Dawes and they went on to meet Dr. Prescott. Paul later informed me that all three of them were captured by British patrol on their way out of Lexington. While Dawes and Prescott escaped, Paul spent two more hours being interrogated and was then taken by gunpoint back towards Lexington. When the Battle of Lexington Green started, the patrol officers fled with his horse to see the commotion. Horseless and deserted, Paul walked back towards Lexington and arrived in time to witness the end of the Lexington Green battle. That morning as the battle raged on Paul helped the Hancock family escape, unaware that his family was doing the same. Back home I contemplated staying and waiting for Pauls arrival, but I knew that I had to get the children to safety. The most difficult decision I had to make was to leave Paul Jr. , to watch the shop, and our lovely home behind. At this point, I had no idea of Pauls whereabouts and took the 6 children and fled out of Boston, unaware of my final destination. May 25, 1810 I managed to carefully make out of Boston and even wrote a letter to Paul in hopes that he would eventually find us. All alone, with 6 children was not an easy task but I was able to pull it off well until Paul and I reconnected in Watertown. While the war became sthronger and sthronger as the days went on, I knew that we could not return ome. Paul managed to find work printing money and still was a courier. I swear by then Paul had done every Job in the book. Finally a year later when we could return home he Joined the Massachusetts Militia. Eventually he did decide to take is easy and returned to the family business, he ran a small hardware store and then went on to open the first copper rolling mill in North America. But never again did I complain about the Jobs Paul took. Every time I felt like saying something I Just looked at the sparks in his eyes as he retold the story of April 18th. One thing that story has taught e is that Paul is not a quitter. To this day, I still constantly nag him to retire but hes still at the shop bright and early every morning. Hes Just one of those kinds of people. Something that took me years to figure out, I want you, my grandchildren, to never forget. Never once did Paul think about himself, or even his family for that matter, he only did what was best for our country. He may not seem like your average hero, but in my eyes Paul will always be a hero, but I guess thats Just because Im his wife. Love, Rachel Walker Revere Annotated Bibliography The Boston Patriots. Ushistory. org. N. . , n. d. Web. 8 Sept. 2013. This was a good source because it had more about the other things that Paul Revere accomplished in nls IITe as well. I also naa Tacts aoout otner people tnat were a nuge Impact on tne American Revolution so I got a better understanding of the revolution as a whole and then was able to connect that back to the things that Paul Revere did. A Daughter of the Revolution. Masshist. org. N. p. , n. d. Web. 8 Sept. 2013. This source was also a really big help because the table 1 was written more about Rachel Walker and her take on their mma rriage and his lifestyle. In many other ocuments Rachel isnt even mentioned so this was a brief overview of how they met and how she felt about Paul activism and her concerns with fleeing Boston during the war. I understood Rachel Walker and got to get inside her mindset a little bit better and understand her concerns as a wife and new mother. Paul Revere: A Brief Biography. Paulreverehouse. org. N. p. , n. d. Web. 3 Sept. 2013. This source was the most helpful because it had all of his life events separated and brief. I used this as a starting point to get a general understanding of Revere. I learned more about his family life and the day he warned the colonists that the British were invading. I liked this source because I felt like it was written very simply and was easy to navigate and understand. Paul Revere Timeline. Worldhistorypro]ect. org. N. p. , n. d. Web. 8 Sept. 2013. This source was one of the easier ones to navigate through. All the facts were there in a timeline format and helped me organize my paper better. The only thing that I didnt like about this site was that there was nothing about Rachel Walker Revere and that threw me off at times because I had to find the events after they got married and make sure my dates were correct.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Italian Adjective Order

Italian Adjective Order In general  Italian adjectives  follow the  noun: È una lingua difficile.  (It is a difficult language.)Marina à ¨ una ragazza generosa.  (Marina is a generous girl.) Certain common adjectives, however, generally come before the noun: Anna à ¨ una cara amica.  (Anna is a dear friend.)Gino à ¨ un bravo dottore.  (Gino is a good doctor.)È un bruttaffare.  (Its a bad situation.) The most common adjectives that come before the noun are listed in the table below. Italian Adjectives That Precede Nouns bello beautiful bravo good, able brutto ugly buono good caro dear cattivo bad giovane young grande large; great lungo long nuovo new piccolo small, little stesso same vecchio old vero true But even these adjectives must follow the noun for emphasis or contrast, and when modified by an  adverb: Oggi non porta labito vecchio, porta un abito nuovo.  (Today he is not wearing the old suit, he is wearing a new suit.)Abitano in una casa molto piccola.  (They live in a very small house.)

Monday, November 4, 2019

Motivational Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Motivational Strategies - Essay Example Our goal is to be the leading company in our line of operation and to position our brand as the best in the market. Our main objective is to offer quality and value to our clients. What distinguishes us from our competitors is the ability to attract and retain the best talent around. This makes our brand outstanding among the many brands in the market. We do not only offer a place of work to our employee but what we offer is exciting careers full of challenges, growth and rewards. Our employees improve their ability every day through guidance, training, and knowledge diffusion through teamwork. According to Sarkis et al. (2010), knowledge diffusion is a learning process in which one learns through interaction with both people and the work he does. For this to be possible and effective, our Human Resource Management department believes that good and effective motivation strategies are paramount. To be effective in our motivation strategies we plan, design, update, implement, and evalu ate our motivation strategies every now and then. This makes sure that we always remain relevant to our employees in terms of the motivations we give them as well as determining what is best for our company. When choosing a motivation strategy it is wise to determine the approach, which will maximize employees’ job satisfaction while remaining corporate cost effective (Gaspar 2005). To achieve this we undertake both qualitative and quantitative research on our motivation strategies before implementing them. A key principle of motivation is that people are motivated to pursue and satisfy their needs. This shows that as peoples’ needs increase so will they become more and more motivate in order to satisfy (Berman et al, 2009). To be in line with this principle we conduct research to identify the needs of various categories of our people and incorporate our findings to our motivation strategy. We also understand the difference in the needs of various categories of our emp loyees and thus we do not apply the same motivation strategy to all the categories. There are two kinds of motivation strategies, which are intrinsic motivation strategy and extrinsic motivation strategy (Armstrong 2009). Intrinsic motivation strategy involves factors that influence people is to behave in a particular way like a sense of responsibility, autonomy, the scope of use and develop skills and abilities, interesting and challenging work and opportunities for career advancement. Extrinsic motivation strategy involves what I done to or for people in order to motivate them (Armstrong 2006). Purpose of motivational strategies Our motivational strategies purpose to encourage our people to put more effort in their work, with an objective of assisting the organization to achieve its goals. They also purpose to encourage to continually improving their skills and abilities which might make them earn promotions. This would enable the company to enjoy a pool of experienced and knowled geable employees. The strategies also aim to improve the productivity of the employees in their day to day activities thus increase the company’s output. They also purpose to make the employees to be proud of working in this company which in return increases the company’s ability to retain them The scope of these motivational strategies Intrinsic motivation strategies We give our employees opportunities to practice their abilities and interests in a challenging work environment. We offer our employees opportunities to advance their career through on-job training and mentorship and offer them room for growth and promotion. We offer our workers a sense of responsibility by giving them the chance to be in control of their own learning and improvements. Extrinsic motiva

Friday, November 1, 2019

Management of Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Management of Technology - Essay Example One of the most pressing issues that Carnegie faces as an international firm is the issue with currency. Carnegie has been impacted by foreign currency fluctuations and interest rate changes. This has created a situation where international firms like Carnegie have to be very cautious financially. Tracking certain economic factors is also important during the development of your plan. A variable such as determining the optimal deployment date of a very expensive advertising campaign is critical. By tracking the economic status of the market you intend to do business, you are able more accurately predict consumer response. The following are some of the most commonly tracked economic indicators and what they measure: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total market value of all goods and services produced within a country during a given period of time, usually one year. Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an index that measures changes in the price of a basket of typical consumer goods. Society shapes our beliefs, values, and norms. People absorb, almost unconsciously, a worldview that defines their relationships to themselves, to others, to organizations, to society, to nature, and to the universe. Carnegie offers a very Marxian approach to the matter: the necessity for people to collaborate together as a group and face and subsequently confront the problems of class inequalities which are determined around the composition of the relations of power which consistently underplay the importance of the sense of justice in the society has certainly not decreased. Political: The political and legal environment is composed of laws, government agencies, and special interest groups that strongly influence the risks associated with marketing decisions. The main issue Carnegie has had to content with revolves around labor malpractice allegations. Carnegie has been involved in many lawsuits that also threaten its reputation; however, it has not been indicted in any of these said lawsuits. Technological: Technology is so important to Carnegie that they incorporated it into their mission statement. In the mission statement, technology is inferred in the word "innovation". To foster this innovation the company pours enormous sums of money into research and development to keep Carnegie on the cutting edge; symptomatic of an entrenched belief within itself that "As human potential evolves, so must our products, we must be committed to the very best performance product. Products of pure imagination, products that move the needle of performance, and products that help us be the athletes we know we are." (Carnegie Corporation, 2009) Ecological: Having an ecological awareness has